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Business Pulse - Food that's picture-perfect
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Will our Grandy's bury the competition? Who knows, but McMinnville Funeral Home owner David Christian seems happy with his meatloaf and mashed potatoes plate Friday for lunch.
Chris Benner was one of the few people inside Grandy’s on Friday morning who wasn’t wolfing down the food. Instead, he was taking pictures of it. And, if truth be told, he was taking a few bites along the way.
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Business Pulse- New option for education in works
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Melita Holland, Jacqueline Shehane and Taylor Smoot are launching Orchard Grove, a farm-based homeschool tutorial for the 2025-2026 school year.
Orchard Grove Amid much recent discussion about the state of education and the right way to administer it, a group of local teachers is planning to offer Warren countians a new option.
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