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Business Pulse - New business coming to Foodland Plus?
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Reliable sources have told Business Pulse a lease has been signed for the old Foodland Plus building on The Strip. Oldacre McDonald, a commercial real estate giant in Nashville, owns the property and has yet to confirm a lease has been signed.
A couple of sources I consider to be reliable have told me over the past week a lease has been signed for a new business to move into the old Foodland Plus location.
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Business Pulse- Saying goodbye to a boss and friend
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Pat Zechman reacts to a surprise farewell party thrown by Southern Standard staff and family members Thursday afternoon.
Farewell Pat As you may have read on today's front page, I've already written over 1,000 words on the retirement of Southern Standard Publisher Patricia Zechman. But I would be remiss if I didn't add a few personal words about the person I've considered to be more like a bonus mother than a boss for nearly 28 years. Since the day I was hired by Susan Newby and Pat in May 1997, I've worked with a cavalcade of people - 26 sports writers, 24 composing people, 12 news editors and three editors before assuming the role myself. But through all the changes, there has been one constant: Pat Zechman.
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