I may have taken ridicule when I said we’d be better off if all our businesses were like Dollar General.
After listening to feedback, and giving it careful consideration, I want to amend that statement. I think we’d be better off if the whole world was like Dollar General, offering the essential things in life just minutes from our door.
Warren County’s 12th Dollar General is scheduled to open this Monday. It’s located at the corner of South Chancery Street and Liberty Lane not far from Co-op.
I had a chance to chat with store manager Paulette Freeman on Friday. She was busy putting the final touches on the new store and getting it ready to open.
Paulette is from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and she has an interesting story. She moved to Nashville earlier this year and is now in the process of closing on a home in Morrison.
“The thing about Nashville is the traffic is so much better than in Dallas-Fort Worth,” said Paulette. “I’d spend three hours a day on the freeway.”
Paulette has worked for Dollar General the past eight years. She said the stores are “everywhere in Texas,” but she says Warren County has even more.
“I’m amazed there are so many stores here,” she said. “There’s one right by the house I’m getting in Morrison. I need to work there.”
I think we’re all familiar with the Dollar General format at this point. I don’t know how many more DGs can be crammed into Warren County. We might be inching close to our limit. At the very most I think we could accommodate three more.
As for something else to look for, Dollar General has a new brand called Popshelf, which just opened its first two stores last month. For more on Popshelf, see page 4C.
Wild rumors
& speculation
When I stopped by Three Star Mall on Friday, there was great excitement about new stores that are rumored to be coming into the old locations of JC Penney and Goody’s.
The most consistent story I was hearing from super-secret sources is that Ollie’s Bargain Outlet is coming to the former JC Penney spot. Ollie’s is a major chain with 388 locations, including stores in Cookeville, Tullahoma, Nashville, Chattanooga and Knoxville.
Ollie’s touts itself as one of America’s largest retailers of closeout merchandise and excess inventory. What this means, the store says, is you can find name brands at lower prices than at other stores.
The way this works, according to the Ollie’s website, is a manufacturer may make too much of an item, or changes its packaging. Ollie’s will buy the overstocked or old packaged items. So, you will always find famous brand-name products at Ollie’s, but a lot of them could be last year’s colors, patterns or packaging that traditional retailers won’t sell.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve never shopped at an Ollie’s. But several folks here at the office enjoy the store and say it would draw a bunch of traffic to Three Star Mall.
I should also stress this information about Ollie’s is just what I could gather from talking to people on the street, or rather people at the mall. It’s not an official announcement.
Mall manager Sigourney Younglove said her lips are sealed and she’s not discussing any possible tenants until a deal is finalized, which has not happened yet.
We’ll have to wait and see if Ollie’s does make its way to Three Star Mall. The first two Ollie’s stores were established in Pennsylvania in 1982 where the company motto “good stuff cheap” was embraced.
Southern Standard
Special Deal
I spend so much time promoting other businesses in this column I often neglect talking about the award-winning Southern Standard. If you’d like to buy a subscription to the newspaper, which is always a wise decision, the cost will never be lower than this week, just $75 for the entire year.
If you want to do the math, that $75 cost translates to just 48 cents an issue, a ridiculously low price when you consider we’ll make 154 trips to your home.
To compensate for these COVID times, the Standard is offering the $75 price this entire week, Nov. 23-27. The low, low rate has typically only been available on Black Friday with a line extending out the building and all the way to the High Funeral Home parking lot.
In hopes of preventing such a mass gathering, the $75 price will be honored all week to keep people more distanced. As an incentive to come early in the week, a free coffee mug will be offered with each subscription while coffee mug supplies last.
When it comes to delivering high-quality news, the Southern Standard has been called the best newspaper in the country by the editors of the Southern Standard.
Metal Products
Company closing
I reported two months ago that Metal Products Company on Garfield Street would be closing if owner Jim Dyer couldn’t find a buyer. Jim was hopeful to have someone in mind to keep the company going – and keep its 49 employees at work.
Unfortunately, a deal to buy the company and keep it operational will not take shape.
“They have notified us they are ceasing business,” said Industrial Development Board director Don Alexander.
According to information presented at Thursday’s monthly IDB meeting, Metal Products Company is looking at having a liquidation sale for its equipment in January and being completely out of the building in February.
The Industrial Board owns the property and would take control of the premises when MPC leaves. The building was constructed in 1930 and may be best known around these parts as the old Genesco shoe plant. It has 56,415 square feet.
“It’s a good, operable building and it will be a lot more palatable in rent than many other buildings,” said Don. “It will be a matter of finding the right type of tenant.”
Modern automotive-related companies all seem to want buildings with tall ceilings nowadays. That’s one of the big reasons the IDB recently finished construction on a spec building with a 42-foot ceiling. The MPC building doesn’t have a soaring ceiling but that doesn’t mean it’s not an adequate facility.
It’s sad news to report any time a local business decides to close, especially a longstanding business like MPC which has been in operation for 30 years.
Warehouse Discount Groceries has established itself as a great place to shop as it closes in on two years in business in McMinnville.
WDG is also a great place to win $200 in free groceries, which is the good fortune that was bestowed on local resident Carol Myers on Wednesday. Carol was presented with $200 in gift certificates from WDG manager Ryan Boyd after winning a contest on the Southern Standard website.
During the contest period, which has now expired, participants can register once a day at www.southernstandard.com. A lucky winner is selected at random.
“You had a picture of me putting groceries in my car when this store first opened,” said Carol, who has been a faithful customer. “I like to shop every two weeks. My weakness is butter pecan ice cream. I also like to buy Neapolitan and get some bananas to go with it and have a banana split.”
As for what else Carol likes about the store, she said, “I love the bakery and the cuts of meat.”
Warehouse Discount Groceries is located at the old Foodland Plus building. Ryan said a big challenge for grocers at the moment is keeping paper towels in stock.
“I figured it would be toilet paper again, but it’s been paper towels that have been hard to come by,” said Ryan.
Be sure to stop by WDG for all your grocery needs!
At the mall
To follow back around and touch on Three Star Mall once more, Santa Claus will be making an appearance at the mall beginning this coming Saturday.
Santa has traditionally made a grand appearance at the mall on Black Friday, especially when he jumped out of an airplane and parachuted in. Now that was a way to make an entrance.
This year, it’s been difficult finding a Santa, mall manager Sigourney Younglove tells me, and there will be new restrictions in place. With COVID concerns, kids aren’t going to jump into Santa’s lap.
Bath & Body Works remains a huge draw at the mall and manager Lori Acker says shoppers will want to take notice of a Black Friday sale that’s happening all this week. Bath & Body will be offering buy three, get three free on all items in the store.
In addition to that promotion, customers can stack coupons on top of it to save even more money. Lori says customers can use as many coupons as possible – as long as the coupon can be used in conjunction with another offer.
On the other side of the mall, Shoe Sensation is offering customers a free $5 gift certificate for every $25 gift certificate they purchase. There is also a wide selection of boots for $19.90.
Not on sale, but sure to be a popular item under the tree, is the Hey Dude shoe line. Shoe Sensation employees told me they have sold 15 pairs of Hey Dude shoes in one day.
For those who want to buy now and pay later, Shoe Sensation is offering a one-time credit card. Customers who use the card can pay off the balance in four, interest-free payments.
That’s all folks
As we prepare to experience the wonder of Thanksgiving, remember to keep Business Pulse in your hearts. The holidays are not all about family. They are about spreading the joy of business news around this community.
To report business news you'd like to see in the paper, send me an email at editor@southernstandard.com.
For information about having a Southern Standard Facebook Live celebration at your store, give me a call at 473-2191.