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Christmas in the Park
Christmas in the park Jr Aux (2).jpg
Crowds gathered to see the lighting of the locally acquired tree. It’s nearly as tall as it is wide at an impressive 23 feet wide by 24 feet high. - photo by JL Jacobs

Happy children and festive lights filled Main Street in downtown McMinnville at the 38th Christmas in the Park celebration Tuesday night. Hundreds of children and their adults filled the bustling street full of activities. From visiting Santa Claus at the Park Theater to playing in the snow from the Polar Express, there was a little bit of everything for everyone.

The Junior Auxiliary of McMinnville, a non-profit organization of local women, coordinated the event along with numerous organizations and sponsors.  President Hannah Johnson was delighted with the turn-out and full-fledged participation of the community.

“It went really well this year. We had so many kids and their families come out,” said Johnson of the event. “It’s so important to Junior Auxiliary that we keep this event free and open to all children. We are able to do this thanks to sponsors and help from the community all year long.” Part of the group's mission is to break generational cycles of issues in the community. According to Johnson, “For some children, this is their only experience of Christmas.” It also explains why McMinnville on Ice was not operating. It couldn’t be offered as a free event for lack of a sponsor. It was still a beautiful backdrop to the colorful seasonal gala.

 Some of the popular activities included musical performances with lots of singing and dancing, the balloon dude, craft stations, plenty of free hot cocoa and the “Blue Mary” presentation of the luminaries. During the solemn event, Judge Ryan J. Moore read each name to honor the memory of a loved one. The little paper lanterns were filled with a light and were lined around the fountain.

One of the highlights of the evening was turning on the lights of the massive Christmas tree. City Administrator Nolan Ming and Paige Potter did the honors. Ming stepped in last minute for Mayor Ryle Chastain who was ill. Potter planted the tree herself when she was a little girl on Arbor Day over 20 years ago. Her family used to own the land that the tree came from this year.

The Junior Auxiliary began in 1941 during WWII when women on the home front, primarily in the Southeastern region of the United States came together to help the needy. While times may have changed, helping the underprivileged of the community, particularly children, is still the focal point of the group. There are now over 100 chapters of the non-profit organization. McMinnville’s chapter began in 1983, but their mission has remained the same.  Johnson and the women of the Junior Auxiliary would like to thank all those who donated their time and money. Until next year’s Christmas in the Park, they will continue to help the community’s children and families.