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A dream come true
Raintree resident gets to meet KISS at last
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Photo provided Stan Maxwell, front, basks in the glory of meeting rock band KISS recently at their Nashville concert. Raintree Manor employees attending with Maxwell are, from left, Marilyn Dixon, Carson Rust and Joey Savage. Back row are KISS members, Gene Simmons, Eric Singer, Paul Stanley and Tommy Thayer.
Many of us are familiar with the American rock band, KISS, which formed in 1973. Members are well known for their face paint, stage outfits and performance antics, including fire breathing, blood-spitting and pyrotechnics.
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Christmas spirit on parade
Rob Nunley photo The Morrison Elementary Cheerleaders won both the school sponsored division and the people's choice award at Saturday's McMinnville Christmas Parade.
The McMinnville Christmas Parade was held Saturday, featuring 107 entries and lasting approximately one hour. Winning in the business category were Ben Lomand Connect, first place; Prater's BBQ, second.
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