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CNN's verdict coverage biased
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A week after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the killing of Trayvon Martin, the media circus continues at a level that would make even American showman P.T. Barnum blush. From CNN, again and again, to other media outlets, including social media, the beat goes on. NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous was among the first to express anger over the jury’s verdict.
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Where Did That Come From? - Cat Nap
Well, I want to wish all my appreciated readers a happy St. Patrick's Day! At my age, I feel like I need a cat nap every day! Forms of this metaphoric expression have been used for 200 years to describe a short period of sleep during the day. Cats sleep long periods at a time, so it may seem strange to call it by this name. Some researchers say it started in Ancient Egypt when cats were sacred and Pharaohs began to emulate the way cats sleep. But there are no records to indicate that.
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