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Report details U.S. torture
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As I'll be turning 88 in June, I'd begun to lose hope for at last witnessing in my lifetime some legal accountability for the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney-Barack Obama-CIA-national security torture policy instituted after 9/11, which continues today.That was until I saw this April 16 New York Times front-page headline: "U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Nonpartisan Review Concludes." It was referring to the Washington, D.C.-based Constitution Project, a bipartisan legal research organization that has long been one of my primary sources for keeping the Constitution intact. It recently released a deeply researched, footnoted and documented 577-page report entitled "Detainee Treatment," characterized in an April 17 Times editorial as "Indisputable Torture."The most stubborn of those who still refuse to use the word "torture" to describe our treatment of detainees is President Obama, who has yet to issue any response to the Constitution Project's "Detainee Treatment" report.
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