A former WWE superstar has been sentenced to a month in jail and has resigned his teaching position with the school system after selling oxycodone to an undercover agent.
The teacher, Michael David Droese, was sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley to serve 30 days of a three-year sentence and pay $2,000 plus costs. He has been accepted into the 31st Judicial District Drug Court program which is an intensive 18-month rehabilitation program aimed at giving those involved in drug crimes a second chance at becoming productive citizens.
In addition to his jail time, Droese has resigned his job at Centertown Elementary where he was a well-liked special education teacher. He had been suspended, without pay, since his indictment in September.
The sales that led to his jail time happened in July. Lawmen say he sold oxycodone to the agent on two separate days.
Known as Duke the Dumpster in his professional wrestling days with the WWE, which was then WWF, Droese has spent eight years with the Warren County School System after moving here following the end of his wrestling career.
Droese enjoyed a short, but successful, career wrestlng under the persona of a no-nonsense trash man. He participated in the Royal Rumble and claimed a victory over Triple H, one of the most successful wrestlers in WWE.
Droese competed at WrestleMania in 2001, which is professional wrestling’s biggest stage, losing a battle royal that was won by the Iron Sheik.
He has served as wrestling coach in Warren County and was on the short list to be moved into his own classroom when his legal issues arose.
Former teacher jailed for selling prescription pills