A 26-person docket was heard Tuesday morning by General Sessions Judge Bill Locke in arraignment court. Included in the morning session:
• Danielle Tyler was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must pay $1,000 plus costs, perform 25 hours public service work and undergo a drug and alcohol assessment for possession of drugs.
• Ryan H. Armstrong was ordered to serve five days of a six-month sentence and pay $10 plus costs for resisting arrest and public intoxication.
• Breanna Mabeus was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must pay court costs and stay out of Walmart for shoplifting.
• Jared Brignac was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must perform 25 hours public service work and was warned to stay out of Walmart for shoplifting.
• Steve W. Pleasant must serve five days and pay $10 plus costs for public intoxication.
• Chad Meeks must serve two days and have his probation extended by six months for violation of probation.
• Jeffery Smartt Jr., must serve the balance of his sentence for violation of probation.
• Sadie Tanner was ordered to serve 45 days and have her probation extended by one year for violation of probation.
• Ashley Mayo must serve 30 days and undergo a drug and alcohol assessment for violation of probation.
General Sessions

Published: Oct 11, 2012, 9:32 PM