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Jefferies to speak at Central homecoming
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Former Smyrna Church of Christ minister Robert Jefferies will launch the 2015 gospel meeting and homecoming at Central Church of Christ, marking 185 years since its beginnings in the New Testament restoration movement in the wake of the American Revolutionary War. 
Under the Christian unity theme “Bind Us Together,” the meetings start Sunday with Jefferies speaking at the 9:30 a.m. Bible class in the auditorium and the 10:30 a.m. worship service, followed by evening services at 7 p.m. Worshippers are invited to remain after the morning service and join in the homecoming luncheon, which offers a vast array of home-cooked entrees, vegetables and desserts.
The series continues each evening at 7 p.m. with preachers from Warren County congregations: Hebron’s Chris Perry on Monday, Rockliff’s Bill Boyd on Tuesday, and Central’s own Ben Bailey speaking Wednesday evening.
The widely popular Friends and Neighbors fellowship luncheon will be in Central’s fellowship hall Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central youth director Josh Pierce will offer brief inspirational remarks around noon and guests are encouraged to share in the complimentary lunch and depart according to their work schedules or personal needs. 
“Have you ever heard the expression, ‘There is no ‘I’ in ‘team’?” Jefferies asks rhetorically. “However, there is an ‘I’ in unity. That means that unity begins with me.”

Beta Street drug bust follow-up
McMinnville Police Capt. Ben Cantrell takes Tyson Locke into custody during a drug raid on Beta Street on Friday afternoon.
A trio of local men appeared in court Tuesday morning after being arrested in a drug raid Friday afternoon. Tyson Locke, 23, Toby Meeks, 25, and Curtis Crumb Jr., 39, were all facing multiple charges and were scheduled to appear before General Sessions Judge Ryan J. Moore, stemming from a raid on a house at 106 Beta St., which is part of the McMinnville Housing Authority, Friday just before 4:30 p.m.
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