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Beta students attend convention
Eastside Junior Beta Club.jpg
Photos provided Students with Eastside Elementary School’s Jr. Beta Club show off their award for placing second in the marketing and communications competition at the Tennessee Junior Beta Convention held at Gaylord Opryland Resort and Conference Center from Nov. 14-26. Pictured, from left, are Shelby Hutcheson, Arya Cotten, Natalee Herren, Lorelei Livesay and Maks Young.
Students from Warren County Elementary Schools and Warren County Middle School (WCMS) competed in the Tennessee Annual Elementary Beta Convention and the Tennessee Annual Jr. Beta Club Convention at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Conference Center.
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Pacesetters building inches closer to surplus
The location formerly known as the Pacesetters building is one successful read away from being declared surplus by the City of McMinnville. During Tuesday evening’s regularly scheduled Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting, the matter was brought forth after it had been recommended by the Building and Grounds Committee in the last February meeting. The committee determined, through data collected by a void analysis, the property was best used as retail or commercial real estate rather than repurposed by the city.
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