A springtime fixture is taking root — the City of McMinnville is once again preparing to give away free seedlings this Saturday.
From 8 a.m. to noon — or as long as supplies last — the city will be distributing 450 trees in the Milner Recreation Center parking lot on March 29. The trees are one to two years old and “bare root,” which means they should be planted the same day they are received or the next for the best chance of viability.
The city is offering eight different varieties of trees or shrubs, all of which are safe for the Warren County area and provide a range of benefits to local wildlife and the environment:
• Flowering dogwood is an understory tree expected to reach a height of 13 to 30 feet and a spread of 25 to 30 feet. It blooms in early spring and is loved by pollinator species.
• Elderberry, an understory tree/shrub, can be as tall as 5 to 15 feet tall and spread to a width of 5 to 12 feet. It produces blooms in summer and dark berries shortly after which are toxic if eaten raw. The elderberries, when cooked and processed, can be turned into jams, wine or syrup.
• Mockernut hickory, a 60- to 80-foot-tall canopy tree, enjoys full sun and its spread can be up to 30 to 50 feet. It produces thickly shelled nuts which are popular with local wildlife and people.
• Eastern redcedar is a highly adaptable tree which reaches heights of 40 to 50 feet, spread of 5 to 25 feet and produces berry-like cones loved by songbirds. It possesses aromatic qualities appreciated by people and is used in furniture and closets to deter pests.
• Red mulberry is prized for the edible fruit it bears, which can be turned into jams, jellies and wine. This understory tree can be as tall as 35 to 40 feet and spreads to 35 to 50 feet.
• Eastern redbud blooms vibrantly during early spring and, not only are its flowers a sight to see — they are also edible and have a mildly sweet flavor, making them a colorful addition to salads and other dishes. With a height of 15 to 30 feet, this tree can reach a width of 25 to 35 feet and is drought-tolerant once established.
• The tallest of the offerings in Saturday’s giveaway is the white oak, a canopy tree capable of growing to a height of 60 to 90 feet. Its 50 to 80 feet spread, combined with its height, means it should be planted at least 45 feet away from homes and power lines. This tree bears acorns, which are favored by wildlife.
• Witch-hazel bears orange flowers and is often a striking piece of gardens during the winter. Growing to 15 to 30 feet tall and 15 to 25 feet wide, the witch-hazel is an understory tree which favors full sun and partial shade. Witch-hazel is often used in skin care and, traditionally, its leaves and bark were used by Native Americans in medicinal teas.
Aside from the benefits specific to their species, trees are reportedly a great way to positively impact stormwater management. It aids in storing runoff and increases the stability of soil surfaces.
No purchase is necessary to receive a tree seedling during the giveaway Saturday, but supplies are limited on a first-come, first-served basis. Recipients do not have to be residents of Warren County to take part and all who pick up a tree will be able to choose from what is available upon arrival. Milner Recreation Center is located at 500 Garfield Street.