Four Warren County High School FFA members participated in the District Level Individual Public Speaking Competition Tuesday night and all placed.
Riley Sanders placed fourth in The Creed. The FFA Creed outlines the organization’s beliefs regarding the industry of agriculture, FFA membership and the value of citizenship and patriotism. The Creed is recited by FFA members as part of the requirements to earn the Green Hand FFA Degree. The purpose of the Creed speaking leadership and development event is to develop public speaking abilities of FFA members in seventh, eighth, and ninth grade as well as to develop their self-confidence.
Katie Carter placed third in Extemporaneous Speaking. This event is designated to develop the ability of all FFA members to express themselves on a given subject without having prepared or rehearsed in advance. The event gives members an opportunity to formulate their remarks for presentation in a very limited amount of time.
Shelby Ford placed third in Prepared Speaking. This event is designed to develop agricultural leadership, communication skills and promote interest in leadership and citizen ship by proving member participation in agricultural public speaking activities.
Haley Smith placed second in Employment Skills. The Tennessee FFA Employment Skill Leadership Development Event is designed for members to develop, practice and demonstrate skills needed for seeking employment in the industry of agriculture. Each part of the event stimulates a real-world activities that are used by real-world employers. Smith also qualified to move forward to the Sectionals in Employment Skills.
FFA Advisor Danielle Smith said, “I am so very proud of these young ladies.”