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Jeep bursts into flames
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Rob Nunley photo Dustin Hopper of the Centertown Fire Department works to extinguish a burning Jeep Patriot on Short Mountain Rd. Tuesday afternoon.

Volunteers from both North Warren and Centertown Fire Departments responded to Short Mountain Rd. Tuesday, after receiving reports of a vehicle in the roadway fully engulfed in flames.

The vehicle, a Jeep Patriot, was traveling eastbound, just past the intersection of Short Mountain Rd. and Yvonne Lane near 12:30 p.m. Tuesday when the driver began noticing sparks from underneath the vehicle.

Ellen Prater, who told responders she bought the vehicle last week and had just began noticing mechanical issues, said she was on her way to have the Jeep checked out by her mechanic, but once noticing the danger, she only had time to stop and exit the Jeep before the fire spread throughout the vehicle.

Prater was not injured, although the Jeep was a complete loss.