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Library receives Community Trust Fund
Library STEAM pic ORIGINAL.jpg
Thanks to the Steve and Kate Smith Community Trust Fund and David Marttala, Magness Library is a recipient of the grant for another year. Library staff and officials are able to start a makerspace for area children to learn a variety of STREAM skills. Shown with some of the fun learning tools are, from left, library director Brad Walker, Mac McWhirter, assistant director Merissa Chapman, Justin Tanner and Marttala. - photo by Margaret Hobbs
Magness Library has once again been the beneficiary of the Steve and Kate Smith Community Trust Fund for the fourth year. In past years, the funds have been used to completely renovate the Young Adult Space and the Children’s Room.
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Pacesetters building inches closer to surplus
The location formerly known as the Pacesetters building is one successful read away from being declared surplus by the City of McMinnville. During Tuesday evening’s regularly scheduled Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting, the matter was brought forth after it had been recommended by the Building and Grounds Committee in the last February meeting. The committee determined, through data collected by a void analysis, the property was best used as retail or commercial real estate rather than repurposed by the city.
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