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Proposed fee brewing cat fight between county, city
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A hairy situation is brewing between city and county over the acceptance of cats at Warren County Animal Control and Adoption Center.“I am disappointed over the recent decision made by Commissioner Michael Martin and the county Health and Welfare Committee to disavow a longstanding policy by ordering its Animal Control director not to accept cats from Warren County taxpayers who live inside the city, without attaching a $10 fee,” said McMinnville Mayor Jimmy Haley.Animal Control director Kim Pettrey was instructed on Monday by Martin not to take any more cats obtained from the city without charging $10 per cat. The county’s current policy, according to Martin, requires residents of Viola, Centertown and Morrison to pay $10 per cat and $35 per dog and he wants the city of McMinnville to pay the same. Pettrey urged the committee to reconsider due to the city’s facility not being able to accommodate cats and that people will resort to dumping and that will create a much larger problem of feral cats.
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Pacesetters building inches closer to surplus
The location formerly known as the Pacesetters building is one successful read away from being declared surplus by the City of McMinnville. During Tuesday evening’s regularly scheduled Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting, the matter was brought forth after it had been recommended by the Building and Grounds Committee in the last February meeting. The committee determined, through data collected by a void analysis, the property was best used as retail or commercial real estate rather than repurposed by the city.
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