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Repeat poacher hit with hunting ban
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A man has lost his hunting privileges for 10 years after he was caught poaching deer out of season, marking the third time he has been busted for violating the state’s wildlife laws.The man, Zach C. Cantrell, 37, was placed on probation for six months and must pay a $1,500 fine after he entered a guilty plea before General Sessions Judge Bill Locke to charges of hunting in closed season, going over the legal bag limit, and failure to check big game. In addition to his probation and fine, he will be required to make restitution to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and has been banned from hunting for 10 years.The Morrison man was busted following a joint investigation by the TWRA and Warren County Sheriff’s Department into his poaching activities. Through the probe, officers learned Cantrell had killed at least four deer early this year, with some happening out of season.“The rack was found in Mr. Cantrell’s car,” according to the citation against him, with Cantrell claiming the rack of horns off the 8-pointer “fell off” while he was moving the deer.The long ban on hunting comes after lawmen learned Cantrell had two prior convictions for illegal taking of game out of season.
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