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Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution passes
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Tuesday night’s meeting of the Warren County Commission drew a packed house. Most were awaiting a decision on a resolution naming Warren County as a Second Amendment sanctuary. - photo by Lisa Hobbs

We are a Second Amendment Sanctuary community, according to 19 members of Warren County’s Legislative Body.

A resolution presented by Commissioner Scott Rubley to designate Warren County as a Second Amendment sanctuary was approved Tuesday night by him and Commissioners Michael Bell, Carl E. Bouldin, Randy England, Steve Glenn, Richard Grissom, Steven Helton, Lori Judkins, Ron Lee, Gary Martin, Daniel Owens, Gary Prater, Christy Ross, Tommy Savage, Tyrone Sparkman, Joseph Stotts, Phillip Stout, Cole Taylor and Blaine Wilcher. 

The measure did not pass unanimously. Commissioners Carlene Brown, David Dunlap and Deborah Evans voted against the sanctuary title.

Commissioner Robert Hennessee passed on the vote. Commissioner Carl D. Bouldin was absent.

Hennessee, who voiced his support for the Second Amendment, asked Rubley if he was against any form of gun control. 

“No, sir,” said Rubley, who explained the intent of the resolution. “What this does say is that we support the constitution. If the constitution changes, it’s our sworn oath of office as commissioners of this county to defend the constitution. If the constitution changes, then it is our sworn oath to defend that.”

Brown expressed support for the Second Amendment and concern for the word “sanctuary” being misinterpreted by people that Warren County would be a refuge for those looking to avoid gun control laws. 

“Scott, are you aware that some people are interpreting sanctuary county as meaning that they are protected from having to follow the laws if new ones are passed down,” she said. “That’s one of the problems that I have with sanctuary county.” 

Brown failed in an attempt to present a different resolution “affirming Warren County, Tennessee’s support of the United States Constitution and of the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms” but removing the words sanctuary county. 

Immediately following approval by commissioners to accept Rubley’s resolution designating Warren County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary, 50-60 individuals in the audience erupted.