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Windy white Christmas
Exercise caution on icy roads
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A tree fell down thanks to strong winter winds last week. The tree blocked Morningside Street for the entirety of Friday morning and damaged one of the fences of a residence in the area. - photo by Taylor Moore
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Friday morning saw extreme temperatures but, for the most part, main roads were clear. - photo by Seth Wright

Dropping temperatures left roads slick in McMinnville this weekend, but salt may be less effective than other methods of melting ice.

McMinnville Public Works director Frank Southard said, “After the temperature drops like this, the salt won’t do much.” He said that the city didn’t lay salt on Thursday night. “I was going to send them in to do the bridges,” he said, but with the falling temperatures, he decided against it.

Southard added, “The sunlight heating up the roads probably does more than anything.” With the sun out, the need for salt on the roads becomes less essential.

Southard said on Friday, “I got out early this morning, and there was a good amount of people out. So the roads aren’t stopping many people.” 

He said if you do go out that you need to be extra careful, especially in the morning where there will be more slick spots. The mornings will be more frozen and have more ice on the roads, so being extra cautious early is recommended.

Southard also mentioned the importance of hills and that you should try to avoid them if at all possible. “Watch the hills, that’s the areas we try to salt first, the hills,” he added. “Slow down, drive at a sensible speed.”

Attempts to contact Warren County Road Superintendent Levie Glenn for comment were unsuccessful.