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Wreck leads to injury

A minor collision resulted in an injured passenger Tuesday afternoon.

Just before 2 p.m., McMinnville Police Department Officer Shawn Green and emergency personnel were dispatched to the section of North Chancery Street in front of the old Rite Aid location for a wreck with injury.

At the scene, a black Ford Explorer driven by Calvin York, 79, of McMinnville was traveling northbound when it was rear-ended by a white Toyota Four Runner operated by Abby Dixon, 26, also of McMinnville. The conditions of the vehicles were reportedly consistent with this version of events.

According to a report given to Green by Dixon, she had reached over to answer a hands-free call when her foot slipped off the brake pedal and her vehicle rolled forward, coming into contact with York’s.

Green explained severe damages to the vehicles were avoided but a suspected injury was sustained by York’s passenger and daughter Candy, 47. Candy was transported via ambulance to Ascension St. Thomas River Park Hospital with a chief complaint of pain in her neck and back.

No citations have been issued at this time and neither vehicle was disabled by the collision.

Community Calendar
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March 29

The Morrison Ruritan’s banquet for Citizenship of the Year is set for March 29 at 6 p.m. Reservations for meals must be made by March 25 and are $12 per person. To reserve a spot, call Mike Holland at (931) 235-3350.

April 3

Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) will hold a commodities distribution at 1574 Yager Rd. on April 3 from 9 a.m. until noon. Clients can sign up ahead of time online or at the distribution site on the day of the event.