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Mayoral candidates debate
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John Shields wants to pay for more street lights, but not Park Theatre restoration.Norman Rone wants to continue down the road to financial stability and emphasize infrastructure projects.David Hill says he’s dedicated to serving the people and returning Kevin Lawrence to his former job as fire chief.Jimmy Haley wants to maintain a positive attitude and embrace the mindset that the technology and service sectors will be driving the 21st century economy.Those were just a few of the comments made Tuesday night by the four men seeking the job as McMinnville mayor in the Nov. 6 election. The Southern Standard and WCPI held a political forum for the candidates at WCHS.“I promise I won’t remove more streetlights and sacrifice the safety of our city residents,” said Shields. “I promise I will not spend taxpayer dollars on the Park Theatre.
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Pacesetters building inches closer to surplus
The location formerly known as the Pacesetters building is one successful read away from being declared surplus by the City of McMinnville. During Tuesday evening’s regularly scheduled Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting, the matter was brought forth after it had been recommended by the Building and Grounds Committee in the last February meeting. The committee determined, through data collected by a void analysis, the property was best used as retail or commercial real estate rather than repurposed by the city.
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